Monday 22 July 2013

Crafting Bible

Well, as not to let my blog die a horrible death after the first blog I thought I'd throw in a cheeky little post in between projects.

As I mentioned in my first blog I was working on decoupaging some heels with comic books.  Now this project is taking a lot longer than I thought it would! I think the fact I've been so busy the thought of then sitting down and cutting out tiny bits of comic books doesn't always excite me.  However, I am itching to get them done so I can show them off so need to pull my fingers out.

Last weekend I was visiting Llandrindod Wells and thought 'I'll take my shoes with me to work on while the other half is in work'.  Well, someone forgot to pick up the bag! So while sitting twiddling my thumbs I decided to be a little creative....more like planning to be creative.

I have had a lovely book that has all handmade paper in for years, waiting for nice idea on how to use it to come along.  I excepted some really nice keepsake idea might never make it to the forefront of my mind so I'd make it into my craft bible.

So here is the book (ooohhh)...

I then decided to go through my craft magazines, that I've recently started throwing into my trolley when i go shopping, and cut out the projects I want to try myself.  A lot of these magazine have crafts such as knitting or card making that I'm not really into it so needed to put all the projects I liked it on place.  So here is one necklace project I wanted to try, it involves putting maps in resin on a pendant.  I also started writing ideas around the pictures of other things I could put it

As I am new to the likes of blogging, selling and going to events I found tips which I also stuck in there and can build up when I find more

As well as cutting and sticking stuff I started to pencil down some ideas I had for projects.  I have built up a massive 'Things to make' board on Pinterest but I also had a lot of ideas rolling around in my head.  So I started making up pages with sketches, examples, samples and notes on things I want to make so when i do get around to it I got everything in one place.

So now it's just a case of adding to it when I like :)

In terms of other projects, I have soooooo many do it and with money not great at the moment I have advertised on Free cycle for some items I need.  Hopefully get some of them soon so can crack on with small projects.

I promise comic book shoes will be here soon!!

Lisa x