Monday 24 June 2013

That awkward first blog

So I've decided to get into this blogging business.  It is going to be revolved around crafts so those who have found it from me linking it on Facebook or Twitter and have no interest let me stop you here and say bye bye, but let me tell you there will be pictures if you don't fancy reading my drivel.

For anyone reading who doesn't know me here are the basics....

Name: Lisa
Age: 28
Location: Cardiff but hoping to move to Llandrindod Wells, Mid-Wales in the near future
Job: Administrator for a recycling company
Crafting interests: Sewing, jewellery, home decor (but hoping to try the odd different design and craft)

Working full time and living with my parents I can't throw myself into crafting as much as I'd like but I'm going to give it a go!

My long-term goals are to have a website set up selling things I have made and try to be as active as I can be in the crafting scene in my local area and online. I mainly have made jewellery but want to do lots of experimenting.  Here is some of my work so far...

I have two current projects on the go.  One is making a large shoulder bag, quite a basic design but I haven't made a bag for years so teaching myself again.  The second is decoupaging some heels with comic books.  I thought it would be easy enough to do but there's a lot to learn from sticking comic books onto shoes!

Here is a sneak look at them but will add them to another blog as soon as they're done.

So until I get my arse in gear and get them finished please follow me on twitter @lisaslovelyloot and I got a page of Facebook.  Looking to get these updated ASAP!

I won't ramble on the first post....well done for getting through it if you got this far!

Lisa x